The Story.
Upon November 4, 2020, a 21 year old female by the name of Brooklyn Brown was critically shot in the abdomen by a stray 223 rifle. Anticipating leaving campus at at 5:00pm, for work, she was shot at the time of 4:29pm on her college campus. A Native from Texas, her family got a devastating call that would change their lives forever.For her safety, COLORS was Brooklyn's alias name while hospitalized for three months so she wouldn't be retailed against.
After attending two different community colleges, she started on a full scholarship studying agriculture at Lincoln University in Jefferson City, Missouri. Brooklyn was one of four people injured in a drive-by shooting. Brooklyn’s abdomen was hit by a stray bullet and she was transferred to University Hospital in Columbia, Missouri. She lost her spleen, gallbladder, and half her pancreas. She couldn’t even eat on her own without a ventilator and feeding tube.
While she was recovering in the hospital for three months, learning to eat, talk and walk again, all she kept telling everyone was “I just want to go home.” She was determined to come home to help be better and do better for herself and her family. She has a strong praying family and God is instilled in her. She often stated "our paths are already set in stone, God gives us tests. Everything in life is either a lesson or purpose, it's up to you to figure out." COLORS was the name that was given to her, and she believes the name COLORS was God given for a purpose.
"I am still a work of art but a walking testimony. I have come so far but there is still a long road ahead of me. I find peace in chaos now. I manifest and speak into existence. Everything happens for a reason. You win some, you lose some, but you live to fight another day. Positivity and communication is the key to recovery and success. Everybody has a different story and no story is more important than the other." -Brooklyn